Monday, April 4, 2011

The New Version of Orkut

As we discussed before in the case of Google Wave, Google’s social networking initiatives seem to be in a complete free–fall. Google’s Social Networking trend, Orkut which has always been successful only in the Indian and Brazilian markets, is now trying to find a way for rebirth in this facebook owned world. Orkut is going to introduce a new look and feel in the upcoming week. They are going to upgrade it’s look and feel to allow you to access popular features more easily.

As per the Orkut’s official blog post, here are some of the new upgrades that you’ll begin to see in coming days:
  1. Left navigation, to help you get to the most popular features more easily.
  2. A new larger profile photo, a popular request. Be sure to upload a higher resolution photo of yourself!
  3. New full profile view, which lets you and your friends see your info, interests, badges, testimonials and recent photos and videos.
  4. New fullscreen slideshow for photos.

The new orkut will be available for everyone, no invitation will be required. Anyway Will the new look & feel of Orkut with a bundle of new features, it will be able to get back its lost users? Will it be able to stand against the mightly facebook remains to be seen. via - enewz

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